Indications for a Radiosurgery

By means of radiosurgery, tumors and functional disorders in areas of the body surgically difficult to access, such as the brain, spinal cord or column, but also inside the lungs and liver, can be treated effectively and in a gentle way. Radiosurgery is generally used for small and clearly defined tumors as a primary therapy or in addition to a surgery, chemotherapy and conventional radiation therapy:

  • Brain metastases
  • Meningioma’s
  • Acoustic neuroma
  • Pituitary adenomas
  • Chordomas and sarcomas
  • Glomus Jugulare Tumore
  • Uveal melanoma
  • Arteriovenous malformations (AVM)
  • Trigeminal neuralgia
Lungs and Abdomen:

  • Lung tumors at an early stage
  • Lung metastases
  • Liver tumors at an early stage
  • Liver metastases
  • Selective pancreatic tumours
  • Selective kidney and adrenal gland tumors
  • Selective lymph nodes
  • Metastases
  • Meningioma
  • Sarcomas
  • Prostate tumors
  • Breast cancer


A CyberKnife System-based treatment can be considered when:

  • a surgery or an invasive intervention is not feasible or only with high risk due to age, general condition, existing comorbidities, high anaesthetic risk or the location of the tumor;
  • a surgery or an invasive intervention appears to be less effective, or if the tumor could not be treated completely;
  • a local therapy of single or multiple metastases in interdisciplinary combination with other therapies makes sense;
  • a conventionally fractionated radiation therapy is less effective due to a specific resistance of the tumor, or, it is no longer feasible due to a radio therapeutic pre-treatment;
  • a conventionally fractionated radiation therapy extending over several weeks poses a comparatively higher burden for the patient (e.g. an increased risk of side effects, repeated transportation, absenteeism, restricted quality of life).
  • The indication for radiosurgery will be decided – after evaluating all the alternatives – by an interdisciplinary tumor board in cooperation with university hospitals and supported by the guidelines of national and international professional societies.
  • The indication for radiosurgery for primary and secondary tumors and functional disorders is described in many German and international guidelines and position papers.
  • Through sponsorships, cooperation agreements and close cooperation with 5 major universities (Frankfurt, Rostock, Greifswald, Kiel, Lübeck) and several major hospitals, we offer the CyberKnife radiosurgery scientifically tested and within a large medical network.
  • We perform intense research in quality assurance for the application of the CyberKnife technology. As the only radiosurgery center in Germany, we also carry out prospective clinical studies together with our university partners.
  • By an intensive academic processing and publishing of the results of our treatment we contribute significantly to the scientific development of radiosurgery in Germany.